Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Cash Wrap Rantings

I cannot even explain how bored I was at work the other day. I was standing at the front of the store with NOTHING to do--I swear. I was all by myself...and nobody was coming to check out for like hours.

For a good while, I stared at the cd rack a few feet across from the counter and pondered why Jennifer Aniston would make a cd....and how all actors/actresses were trying to sing these days....and wondered what genre it was classified under. Anyways, I felt ridiculously stupid after my shift when I walked past the cd case and glanced at the cd that had hypnotized me for so long only to realize Colby Callait is probably Jennifer Aniston's twin sister who was separated from her at birth or something...O_O;
I swear she looks like her.....geez

On another note, I have been reading an interesting book lately. Actually I change that statement<< "...the book is not 'interesting.' Interesting means you can keep your distance, play around, agree or disagree. This book is about you. It will change your state of consciousness or it will be meaningless." Yup-page 7. It just has such surreal language and descriptions. I'm enthralled with it atm.

So it's called A NEW EARTH: AWAKENING TO YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE and Eckhart Tolle is the Author. Ok-yes the title sounds cheesy and yes it is the new book in Oprah's book club but DON'T DISMISS IT JUST BECAUSE OF THOSE REASONS. It's one of those books that you actually have to pick up off the shelf and read a few pages to understand how stimulating it is...merely describing what it is about will not do it justice.


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